Hi Veeto, have you looked into these things?
Hi Veeto,
Surfer 27 here. I just read your post and I defintely feel for ya man. Anyways, I don't know what you've tried and haven't tried, but I am gonna write out a list of things and I just want to see if you have tried all of these things. Okay? Here is the list down below.
Candida Albican diets and Candida pills
hemorrhoid creams and suppositories
anal fistula homeopathic remedies
peppermint oil capsules
ibs advantage
heavy metal cleanse
bowel cleanse
colon cleanse
intestinal cleanse
digestive enzymes
graviola caps
enchinea caps
pro m internal deoderizer
vitamin B2 Riboflacin
vitamin B Complex
goldenseal extract pills
cayenne pepper pills
bentonite clay
phsyillum husks pills
glycolax pills
red clover caps
chinese detox tea
milk thistle capsules
kidney and liver cleanse
flax see oil
castoral oil cleanse
cat's claw caps
colostrum caps
zinc capsules
tmau diets
chlorophyllin capsules
wheatgrass juice
charcoal capsules
grapefruit seed abstract
glutamine and glucosamine caps
I know Veeto, this is a long list, but if you could, look over all of these different remedies for me and let me know if you have tried any of these, or maybe all of them. I don't know what to say, because I have never had a fishy
Body Odor , mine has always been a fecal
Body Odor , which I haven't been able to get rid of for 4 yrs running now. Everything on this list, I have tried and without any success, I have still got this fecal
Body Odor that smells like feces after having a bowel movement. Also just to let you know, I have had tons of doctors tests done on me, anything from a colonscopy to urine test, to bloodwork tests, to a barium enema and all of these tests came back as normal, which is very frustrating!!!! I am sure you can kinda relate to what I am saying. I am also sure, that you've probably had alot of these tests done on yourself probably. Two other things, I would like for you to look into, if you haven't done so already, would be to see, if you can get tested for a rare disease called TMAU. Also, one last thing. Go and see if you can find a chinese herbalist and see if they can help improve your situation. I don't know if by going to them, they will be able to help you, but it never hurts to try. I hope that, all of this stuff helps you out, or at least gives you some ground, to work with. Get back to me, if you get this message. Okay. I have to go, but I hope to hear from you soon. Take care and God bless you.