Hi Hope4Cure, how are you now??
Hi Hope4Cure,
It's Surfer27 here. I don't know if you still go on these sites, like Curezone here but, I wanted to send you a message. I have read your text and I know of the agony you speak of. I have suffered with this exact same disease (Fecal
Body Odor ) for 4 yrs now and it's not getting any easier!! I wish I could say that it is, but it's not!! Anyhow, I just thought about what you said, about the Candida thing. You may be on to something. For some people with Fecal
Body Odor , it can be a result usually of these couple of things:
1. Candida Albicans
2. Anal Fistualas
3. Liver or Colon Problems
4. Overbody Toxicity
5. Having a damaged gut lining, in which a probiotic would be useful
6. Problems with the Illeovacal Valve, or
7. A unknown skin problem internally or externally.
These are about, the only things I can think of, that would be causing your fecal
Body Odor status, at the present time. Other things, you might want to consider, would be:
1. Look into getting some Betaine HCL caps.
2. Look into the Health Benefits of what Rhubarb root is and what it does and lastly,
3. Find yourself a good chinese herbalist who may be able to help you.
This is all I can think of at this time, as I have tried alot of different supplements and herbs, as well as seen alot of doctors and had many tests done. I hope, that my suggestions and advice can be of some use to you. Alright, gotta go but I hope to talk to you soon. Take care and God bless you. Bye for now.