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Image Embedded My pics for those who want to see
joeschmo88 Views: 7,776
Published: 15 y

My pics for those who want to see

Its been a little over a month since I've been on here and last posted "My journey to curing EC". Reading through several posts, it looks like many of you are angry that people share ideas of their cure without pics. In my honest opinion, I'd rather have someone sign up to this site, post an idea and never come back than have no post at all. Appreciate the fact that there are people willing to share an idea regardless of whether they post a pic or not. It is obvious that professional dermatologists and doctors have no hope in our condition. And just think about it, if you don't like the way your lips are in public, understand that showing a pic of your lips on the internet is just as embarrassing.

Here is a comparison shot of my lips about a month and a half apart. I've been on my diet for about 2 and a half months now. Ever since I started in early March, I've never put anything on my lips. I believe that my lips will naturally heal itself without creams, balms, moisturizers etc. Been drinking water everyday, every moment. Made sure I have plenty of fruits and veggies everyday.

Looking at the current picture you can tell that my lips are getting better from outward-in and from bottom to top. A lot of people just want a quick fix. EC is not a quick fix at all. This is a SLOW process as you can see. Its been about 2 1/2 months and I'm not fully cured. But because I see evidence of recovery, I'm not worried. If my lips can heal that much in 2 months, imagine how much would improve in 1-2 years. If this still doesn't convince you of how diet and the use of creams and balms may be the main culprits, then I don't know what will. Good luck to all of you and don't give up.



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