B Vitamins and other supplementation
I've never been a fan of the B complex, testing them out proved almost useless. If anything, the B-50 or B-100 complexes should be split across doses if not used for some theraputic purpose.
I haven't really stumbled upon posts where you tell people not to use high dose B vitamins. If I were you, I would just point them to references and let them come to their own conclusions.
You have also pointed out that minor supplementation may be required on a decent diet. However, what if someone you know has a horrid diet with little nutrient dense foods? For example, I know someone that does not like a lot of varieties of fruits or veggies, nor any nut family foods. This person in question eventually develops problems with anxiety, panic attacks, headaches, muscular tension, fatigue, endometriosis type symptoms, history of tonsilitis, history of urinary tract infections, and finally diarrhea. Layer over the symptoms some pharmaceuticals such as an SSRI like Celexa or Lexapro for anxiety, birth control for endometriosis symptoms, and
Antibiotics for everything else.
Any ideas?