Re: Re-thinking Inulin (Adieu, I think you were right)
No, that part's me.
It's the idiots with pet tigers, toxins marketed as natural curealls, and falsified or grossly misapplied clinical testing that spread all that whole foods and natural sources propaganda. That itself can be ascertained simply by looking at the crazy-ass crap they write on their own websites.
What it comes down to is that there are three types of any vitamin, mineral, drug, or herb:
1) misrepresented, counterfeit, incorrectly synthesized, not preserved properly or handling rules not followed - label doesn't match what's inside (either initially or anymore)
2) real, but contaminated - bad purification, incorrect extraction, etc. - may contain anything from heavy metals to dangerous diseases to lots of % by mass of nothing in particular
"Whole foods" versions will, by definition, be contaminated. And you never really know by what. Hence, any and all sorts of weirdness possible.
...when it comes to version 3, authentic & pure, it really doesn't matter how the hell it was synthesized, extracted, prepared, whatever. Because, when done properly, it contains exactly what it's supposed to contain and not a trace of the way it got that way.
PS synthetic ascorbic acid works like a charm. I've gotten hypervitaminosis C from 20 000mgs before, with all the classical symptoms like a horrid case of the runs, etc. Can't get hypervitaminosis if the vitamin isn't being absorbed, so, sorry, but you're wrong.