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Re: Is a coffee enema necessary before flush?
Ohfor07 Views: 3,592
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Re: Is a coffee enema necessary before flush?

The last few posts to this thread pretty much reflect the varied opinions I've read other places. Yes WFL, I've actually read where some suggest the tip of the enema tube is to go THAT far up, only to find others who suggest it only needs to go in a few inches.

There is one thing Chaz mentioned  - about not getting the caffeine so high up into the colon that it gets absorbed into the body proper, is a fairly consitent sentiment I've read and seems to make sense. As I understand it - keeping in mind I don't KNOW what the real score is to this matter so I'm a newby like a lot of people having read quite a bit the past month or two, the idea of the coffee enema is not intended to get the body to suck up a bunch of caffeine, it's some kind of unique reaction that  causes just the liver - via the entero-hepatic system, to absorb the caffeine which in turn kicks off the dumping of bile which also dumps toxins. Who knows for sure on this question? Is there a coffe-enema-expert in the house?

My memory has sort of come back a bit on the previous reading I mentioned. Here is just one of the multiple links I read last week that talks about the entero-hepatic system in relation to coffee enemas; this article suggest the enema catheter is only placed "inches" inside the rectum.

Now that my memory has been jogged, what is really surprising to me is one of the other reads on coffee enemas that contradicts the above article on the question of "how far up the does the enema go?"  was in fact  Dr. W.D. Kelley's One Answer to Cancer . I'm assuming many people that frequent Curezone know all about Dr. Kelley. If not, it's an amazing story and struggle this man went through the last 30 plus years, in addition to the fact that he was a dentist, and cured himself of cancer nearly 40 years ago. He died this past January, which was shortly before I'd ever heard of the man (thank you 2Tuff) - may he rest in peace. Here is a cutNpaste from his cancer book that is (*apparently) his version of the coffee enema, with a link to the entire book following that.

*One thing I picked up from him in the past few months, aside from developing a lot of respect and admiration for this person,  is that among the various persecutions he suffered at the hands of 'da man, one of the more recent antics was the problem with the various stooges of the establishment fraudulently propagating and altering his cancer-cure/treatment information and posting it on the Web as though it was his work. I don't know that this has anything to do with his advice on how high the coffee enema should be - it might, it might not, just keep this in mind.


excerpted from:

Cleansing The Colon


Dr. William Donald Kelley, D.D.S., M.S

The Coffee Enema

A high, retention enema, using coffee, should be taken to aid in the elimination of toxic waste material from the body. The coffee enema should be taken daily for as long as one is on Metabolic Medicine?s Cancer Cure Program. After 35 years, Dr. Kelley still takes his daily enema.

The coffee enema is very stimulating to the liver and is the greatest aid in elimination of the liver?s toxic wastes.

The coffee enema, besides stimulating liver detoxification, also has beneficial effects in cleaning the colon. Coffee is an excellent solvent for encrusted waste accumulated along the walls of the colon. The caffeine also directly stimulates the peristaltic muscle to contract more powerfully and loosen such deposits, which are occasionally visible as hard, black material and "ropes" of mucus. Gradually, as the protein metabolism of the body improves, the muscle tone of the bowel becomes normal and thorough evacuation is possible without the aid of the enema.

Essentially, the coffee enemas help the liver perform a task for which it was not designed ? that of elimination in 1 or 2 years the accumulated wastes from many years of living in ignorance of the laws of nature.

At first, most people dislike enemas and have psychological barriers against them. Ignorance of the purpose and function of the enema, as well as misunderstanding of the proper procedure for taking it bring about this aversion. I have observed, however, that the persons most opposed to enemas soon reverse their prejudices and become the most avid supporters of them! In many cases, the enema relieves distress and gives a sense of well being and cleanliness never before experienced. The proper removal of toxins and debris from the colon is absolutely essential in all conditions of disease and ill health.

It is most desirable to take the coffee enema early in the morning and it may be repeated again in early afternoon and/or evening, depending upon the toxic condition of the body. Enemas using coffee in the afternoon or evening may interfere with sound sleep. If enemas are needed at these times, many patients prefer to use only warm pure water omitting the coffee. But it is better to take coffee at these times also, and a weaker solution to permit sleep would be better than not using coffee at all.

How To Make A Coffee Enema

  1. Just before bedtime each day, make a pot of coffee (1 quart). Unplug coffeepot and allow to cool to room temperature.


  2. It is best to arise early enough each morning to allow time to take the enema in a relaxed, unhurried state.


  3. The coffee must be regular, non-instant, non-decaffeinated coffee. It must be prepared in enamelware, Corning Ware™, glass or stainless steel, or by the tricolator filter method. Aluminum or Teflon should not be used at any time! We have found the coffee that is unboiled or prepared via the "drip method" is preferable. Use 3 to 4 tablespoons of ground coffee to 1 quart of Filtered Reverse Osmosis (RO) or distilled water. Any water that enters into the body should be RO filtered or distilled water.


    Avoidance of city water supplies (always chlorinated, which has been strongly linked to hardening of the arteries, and often fluoridated, which has been strongly linked to cancer and thyroid disease) is most essential to removing stress from the kidneys. Pure RO filtered water or distilled water should be used for cooking and drinking ? and even for preparing enemas, since a significant portion of the enema water may be absorbed and filtered through the kidneys. Even if one has a well, it should not be assumed safe. Often toxic amounts of copper, cadmium, and lead are picked up from the plumbing even if the well is pure. It is best to purchase a small distilling unit and distill from one?s tap. If one distills water from a city supply, one must remember that certain hydrocarbon contaminants have a lower boiling point than that of water. The distiller should have a valve to permit their escape as they gasify. If not, they will concentrate in the distilled water and will need to be removed by filtering through activated charcoal.

    One may purchase a Reverse Osmosis Filter Unit from:

    Sparkling Water Company ? 800-460-5728 or
    Ozark Water Service ? 800-835-8908.
    An acceptable Distilled Water System:
    H20 Only, Inc. ? 724-287-5555

    Note: Filters breed deadly bacteria. If your water supply is dirty a filter will get dirty in less than 30 days ? A filter should be changed every 30 days even if your water supply is clean.

    Filters breed deadly bacteria. If your water supply is dirty a filter will get dirty in less than 30 days ? A filter should be changed every 30 days even if your water supply is clean.


  4. If a coffee enema makes a person jittery, shaky, nervous, nauseated, or light-headed, the coffee solution is too strong. The amount of coffee can be adjusted from 1 teaspoon to 4 tablespoons per quart of water as tolerance level permits.


  5. The high, retention coffee enema should consist of 1 quart of coffee, held for 15 minutes. Some people, children especially, can take and retain only a pint (2 cups) of enema solution at a time. If this is the case, one must take 2 enemas each time, one right after the other, and hold each for 15 minutes as directed.


  6. Upon rising each morning plug in the coffeepot for a few seconds to bring coffee to body temperature; unplug and take the morning coffee enema.


How To Take A Coffee Enema

  1. Before the enema do some form of mild exercise if possible, such as walking briskly. If one is extremely debilitated and weak, this step will of course need to be omitted until strength returns.


  2. Attempt a normal bowel movement. The enema is much more effective if the colon has been evacuated. One should not become disturbed, however, if there are no regular bowel movements, or very few, during Metabolic Medicine?s Cancer Cure Program. In many cases, not enough bulk collects to instigate a normal bowel movement. When no normal bowel movements are forthcoming, the enema cleans the colon adequately.


  3. Bulk formers such as Metamucil™ (or other brands of Psylliuum Husks obtainable at drug or health food stores) taken as directed, or 2 tablespoons of miller?s bran with each meal (obtainable at the health food store) are quite helpful in forming stools and thereby creating more normal bowel movements for those who take daily enemas.


  4. After the normal bowel movement, if one is forthcoming, or before taking the coffee retention enema, most people find that taking an enema with 1 quart of warm RO filtered water or distilled water is very helpful (do not retain this enema). This procedure begins the cleansing of the colon, removing large particles of residue and most of the gas. When it is completed, the coffee retention enema may be taken. The warm water enema is optional and does not need to be taken if the coffee enema can be retained for the desired period.


  5. Place 1 quart of coffee in your enema bag or bucket. You may use a Fleet enema bag, which is a disposable large volume plastic bag, an over-the-counter item from the local pharmacy or hospital supply outlet. This enema bag lasts about 2 years.


  6. The enema tip on the end of the hose is not adequate to give a "high enema." Place a colon tube (DAVOL) size 24 French or 26 French or 28 French on the opposite end of the plastic tube from the enema bag. This colon tube is a soft flexible rubber-like tube around 30 inches in length. It follows the curves and flexure of the colon. The colon tube is usually inserted about 12 to 20 inches into the rectum. (Editor?s Note: It is difficult today to find a colon tube. However, a plastic rectal catheter or tube about 18 inches long may be ordered from your pharmacy as an over-the-counter item.)


  7. Next, allow the coffee to flow to the end of the colon tube, thus eliminating any air in the tube.


  8. The colon tube should be lubricated with natural creamery butter, Vitamin E cream or other lubricant that doesn?t contain additives or chemicals.


  9. Insert the tube 12 to 20 inches into the rectum, if possible. This should be done slowly, in a rotating motion that helps to keep the tube from "kinking up" inside the colon.


  10. The enema bag should not be over 36 inches higher than the rectum. If it is placed too high, the coffee runs into the colon too fast and under too much pressure, causing discomfort.


  11. There are several positions that can be used while inserting the colon tube. Squatting is one. There is also the knee-chest method, with chest and knees on the floor and buttocks in the highest position possible. Most people, however, find it easiest to lie on the left side until the solution is out of the bag or bucket. The enema should never be taken while sitting on the toilet or standing.


  12. Some people?s colons have kinks or turns in them that may prevent the tube from being inserted even 18 inches. Often, if a little bit of the solution is allowed to flow into the colon as the tube is being inserted, one may comfortably get past these kinks.


  13. If a kink bends the tube too much and stops the flow of liquid, then the tube can be inserted only as far as it will go, still allowing the liquid to flow freely.


  14. Sometimes, if one hits a kink that stops the flow of the liquid completely, the tube can be pulled out slowly just to the point where the solution is felt flowing again. Frequently, the tube can be pushed back in, past the turn that previously stopped the liquid.


  15. Because of the shapes and formations of some people?s colons or of course if a child is being given the enema, it will be possible to insert the tube only a few inches. Occasionally, this is a permanent situation. Often, however, as the colon is cleaned and healed, the tube can eventually be inserted further.
  16. The tube should never be forced when discomfort occurs.


  17. After the flow of the solution is completed, one may remove the colon tube, although it isn?t necessary to do so. Regardless of the position used up to this point, one should now lie on the left side for at least 5 minutes, then on the back for another 5 minutes, then on the right side for at least 5 minutes.


  18. Those who have excessive gas may leave the tube in the colon with the hose clamp open. This allows gas to escape through the enema container. Frequently, the coffee will go in and out of the enema bag or bucket until the gas is relieved.


  19. After the enema is retained for 15 minutes or longer, it may be expelled.


  20. One is now ready for the rest of his daily routine clean and refreshed!


Helpful Hints

  1. If you find you have a lot of gas and it is difficult to retain the enema, try putting 2 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses into your coffee solution.


  2. If you get a sudden gas bubble causing an urge to expel the solution, breathe very fast through your nose using your abdominal muscles like a bellows. This usually helps the colon wall break up the gas bubble.


  3. If you find that a little coffee leaks out, place an old towel under your buttocks.


Intestinal Obstruction

Occasionally, the intestinal tract will become obstructed. Usually under these circumstances, no food or feces will come through. After a few days, one becomes extremely nauseated and starts vomiting. He or she will be very sick and will normally run a high temperature. This should be watched quite carefully, for in such cases immediate emergency treatment is absolutely necessary.

One should never allow themselves to become extremely toxic. But, in order to distinguish between a healing toxic reaction and an intestinal obstruction, as soon as nausea or vomiting develops and no food is passing through, all supplements and food should be stopped for 5 days. Water and juice may be taken during this time.

If there is no vomiting, food is passing through, and the temperature remains below 100 degrees, the diet and normal routine may be resumed, as one may assume there is no obstruction.

A point to remember is that one shouldn?t fail to cycle off the supplements routinely before reaching such a state of toxicity!

If, during the 5 days off the supplements with no solid food intake, one begins to vomit and has abdominal pain with high temperature, the physician should be consulted so that he or she can check for intestinal obstruction.......

end of excerpt.


end of post.



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