Re: Gallstones and the myth of "liver flushes"
Olive oil, every month won't resolve a problem of stagnant bile. Besides, every fatty meal a person eats stimulates bile flow. If magnesium had this effect on eczema, trust me eczema sufferers would not go through the pain of tens of flushes but rather tell everybody about Mg. Placebo effect cannot continue indefinitely yet these people were cured.
It is called a liver flush, because the real problem is not located in the GB, but in the myriad of small cholesterol clumps and sludge, blocking the flow of bile in the liver. The stones come out of the liver more than the GB.
Depending on the body chemistry and the amount of time the stone remained in the liver/GB, MANY different types of stones are formed. Just look up
Gallstones pictures on google. Surgically removed GBs are cut open, showing a great number of different types of stones, hard and soft. Of course, you'll find more hard stones in these pics, they're from people who had been suffering from
Gallstones for years.
The stones most people flush in great quantities are green cholesterol stones and cholesterol floats. MANY have had these stones analysed and they were mostly composed of cholesterol and some bile salts.
It is very possible that the very large stones people pass are from smaller stones that have clumped together in the intestines, or just alot of sludge that has solidified. Fot me, the jury is still out on these ones. But these are rare, most people have 100s of smaller than pea-sized stones.
You keep talking about sterol-cholesterol complexing, yet you choose to ignore posts replying that some have gotten the same stones without ingesting oil. No more theory, sorry.
Wow, olive oil's anti-inflammatory effects curing eczema. Again, olive oil ingested in crazy amounts once every month or so, 2 weeks at least, somehow manages to control chronic inflammation day after day after day in between flushes. It's like taking a bottle of Tylenol to be free of headaches for the year. Great idea!
You should start to see how theoretical knowledge and a big ego will get you nowhere fast. Curezone is a place for anecdotal reports, nothing else. Only health practitioners, who have actually worked and helped/cured 100's of patients with a condition should take the liberty of putting the pieces of the puzzle together for people. Otherwise, we are all misinforming each other, at least half of the time. Somebody forward this message to WhiteShark by the way.