Humantea not helping - what to do?
I finished my first Humaworm cleanse and immediately started the viral cleanse. The die-off was really rough on the 30 day cleanse - the first 3 weeks I was exhausted and housebound most of the time.
Since starting the viral cleanse though my skin has begun itching like crazy. Its particularly bad at night; I wake up many times in the night scratching, so now I'm also exhausted from lack of sleep.
Humantea isnt helping. I'm using the aggressive dose amount and its made no difference. Today I've increased it again and am taking a little more than the aggressive dose.
Thinking this is a symptom of a struggling liver, I've added herbs designed to support the liver but they arent helping either.
I've got 3 days left to go on the viral cleanse. Is it going to hurt if I stop at this stage? Will I undo all the work I've done in the last 12 days? I really cannot cope with another sleepless night and I've got a busy weekend ahead.
I live in the UK so there is no point me trying to order the cream; it will take too long to get here.