Swollen joints-sensitive to silicone
Well im nearly one year on after having that evil device out that has ruined my life.I only had the mirena in 8 weeks and have ended up with a diagnosis of
Rheumatoid Arthritis ,most of my joints were swollen,now im 50% better but only from the help of a strong dose of methyltrexate,20mg at present.I live in hope that one day my
Arthritis might burn its self out,would love to here from anyone in my position that this has happened to.As many already know the mirena coil is a silicone device,its made up of different lengths of silicone in order to achieve its softness,the short chain silicone have the potential to migrate and be absorbed systemically,this phenomenon is well documented in the case of silicone breast implants,in most cases the body will ignore the silicone unless you have a sensitivity to it,which i do,then it is perfectly possible that it can switch on an inflammatory reaction.Maybe this has happened to me,i guess i will neva really know the truth,all i know is i was a fit and healthy nurse before i had this device.