To the forum owner
Hello, I just wanted you to know I read your forum introduction, just now, and I appreciate everything you are saying...very sorry also that you had to experience the difficulties and injustices you have, as well as the loss of your son. The only way I know of to deal with such experiences without sickening, is to practise great tolerance, and to forgive as an ongoing state of heart-mind.
Every moment builds the next moment, so, we really must, for our own well-being, not carry the shock and associated contraction that happens at all levels.
Even when people acknowledge a "body-mind" connection, it seems they are still seeing it all in a parts-and-pieces way and won't -in general, or without a struggle!- go the distance required, to the spiritual 'tear' in the fabric of the being. And then too, it is so easy for anger and resentment to find a foothold underneath the surface of shock. To hang out and hide there, in a manner of speaking.
I feel (and this I've seen,as well) that people often hold shock at some distance form the body; that is, in the field, where it is sort of removed form them (or they from it)and others can feel or sense this, though they may not be conscious. Often, others then feel indisposed toward the person, perhaps because they sense at some deeper level their own shock, and dislocation/dissociation.
Anyway--having just seen this forum, I wanted to wish you well.
all the best, Chiron