I am wondering, in answer to the original query, if castor oil packs (external applications with a hot water bottle) would
help lessen the 'struggle" and the sensations by virtue of their effect on congested and stagnated tissues. They have helped many congested and stagnated tissues (pelvic, liver, ovarian, frozen shoulder, knee, colon...) and in proper application they do provide lubrication to the tissues which is quite different from taking castor oil internally, which would then be inside, instead of coming through the external layers. I myself am doing castor oil packs w/ the humaworm cleanse to lesson any symptoms (only 3 days in, no symptoms yet except for a coated tongue and need to clean the tongue and teeth more often) , and also taking beet kvass, some raw foods (but not all raw!) and doing yoga postures for the abdominal area.