With me it was just the opposite. I think maybe you still might have some parasites left. Maybe Humaworm can suggest something for you. This is my last day of Humaworm. I was loaded with parasites. Before I started taking Humaworm parasite cleanse, I knew something was very wrong. I was always hungry and I never could get full. I was always eating. I know now it was the parasites wanting me to feed them. I actually felt them biting me inside to let me know. I never felt like that before so I knew something was not right. I also had an itchy rash that went away in 10 days after I started Humaworm. I may still have a few parasites but not nearly as many as before, as a few eggs may still be hatching. I think the Humaworm stays in the system for awhile longer and kills any stragglers. I'm going to take Humaworm again in 90 days. Humaworm literally saved my life. I'm going to start taking the Candida/fungus cleanse next and do a liver flush. Thanks, Humaworm.