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Can it be my gallbladder or pancreas?

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angelbebe Views: 1,595
Published: 15 y

Can it be my gallbladder or pancreas?

I'm not sure where to post this. I've been in a lot of pain for 3 months. The pain is in the upper right back which ocassionaly runs a little lower. It will sometimes go into the entire upper back with intense pain and burning. It's steady & will vary in pain level but mostly stays at strong level, it's 24/7. I can use pain relievers but then I realized if I don't feel the pain I won't know if I'm well.

The entire right side feels different like the tissue has lost feeling. It's very itchy & even though I stop applying Lugols it continues to be itchy. Three months ago the right side of my back became swollen, the swelling switched from the right to the left twice with a shooting pain up my spine & back of my head. This may have been a spasm, it gave me quite a scare. My back feels thicker on that side. The pain concentrates in and around the shoulder blade, it spreads farther. It will radiate to the shoulder, right arm, reaching the breast.

Sharp small stabbing pains in the upper middle section of my stomach. I've been having difficulty breathing like my chest and neck are being compressed. difficulty swallowing, this can be from my enlarged thyroid. I'm on iodine, thyroid medication and began taking Oleander 2 days ago.

I started having rib pain in the right side (front) maybe 3yrs ago, thought it was relate to car accident. Then I became pregnant & the pain got worse until I couldn't take it any longer. After the consultation with a gallbladder surgeon it was best for me to try & sleep it off. It went away after having my baby (he's 8 months). I've felt a couple small sharp pains in the last month and yesterday again but it's nothing compared to how strong they were with my pregnancy.

My gallbladder ultrasound shows shadows. I'm hoping a colon cleanse, dewormer, liver, gallbladder cleanse can fix most of my problems. If there is a stone stuck in the pancreas will it need to be surgically removed or can a gallbladder/ Liver Flush take care of any stones that are stuck anywhere? When is surgery usually necessary?

Thank you for reading this. I greatly appreciate the people that are helping me get through this. It's wonderful to see how you all help one another and reading the stories & experiences are helpful.




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