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Re: Photos of Lung parasite
sanjean Views: 5,709
Published: 15 y
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Re: Photos of Lung parasite

I have never seen them move and can't say that I've actually felt them move.They have the consistency of slime so it would be unlikely to really feel them move. What I do feel is when they are in my throat, it makes me cough and when I'm trying to get them out, I can sometimes feel them on one side, then in the center, then on the other side. Often no matter how hard I try, I end up swallowing them. Every morning I see things that look very similar to the one I called lung bug #3 and yesterday was one that looked a lot like the first one. About 1/2 long and blunt at both ends.

Just so you know, I try to look at everything that comes out of my lungs and other parts and am more likely to discount suspicious looking things unless I see similar things over and over, then I really take notice.

I need to get a low powered microscope to hook up to the computer. Do you have any suggestions? I bought a little cheapy but found it irritating to use and most of the stuff I am going to be looking at 100x may be too high. Sorry to have to ask but I just don't have much time right with packing and house hunting in BC. I'm getting desperate for some answers.

I can't get to sleep until close to dawn because of the butt bugs activity and along with sleep deprivation I feel really toxic even though I am taking B&P and lots of DE and other supplements. I feel really weak and just plain awful!

NOT looking forward to this drive at all!

Thanks Shroom!


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