15 y
Re: cold usage of castor oil
Do a web search. We use
CO on warts, skin tags ect. We also use fig sap for such, not your topic but, however the sap is so powerull that
CO is easier safer to use. We also use
CO as massage oil but since its so thick and doesnt go in very easy that must be kept in consideration so as not to waste it and clean it off afterwards. Id say wrap it and forget it . Ive done this for wounds, and as I mentioned skin tags. After a month or so the skin tag just wipes a way one day. ( we have also used
CO internally daily for certain needs tho only in dire or invalid type of situations)
For your intestinal predicament Id say just wrap it so you can go about your day.
LOts of fresh fruit in Lanka, that can certainly be a start to healing and as DQ mentions and infers its often the stopping of putting things in that really allows the bodies systems to recover and regain ballance and thus rejuvenation. And dont forget unpasturized dairy is great for intestinal health as pasturized is poison and poi is also a great fermented intestinal assist.