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Re: Ginger as an Alternative Herbal Medicine
ohfor07 Views: 2,388
Published: 15 y
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Re: Ginger as an Alternative Herbal Medicine

I learned the hard way that presecription meds can cause adverse reactions when mixed with Ginger.

I'm not100% certain but am fairly sure that Type 2 Diabetes meds was the culprit. The reason it is difficult to know for sure is that my elderly father has effectively become a walking pharmacy. They have him on at least 4 daily meds for this, that, the other. Glyburide is among these and this is used for " age-related diabetes". They really need to stop calling this what they have been calling it and instead they need to start calling it what it really is. Instead of calling it age-related-type-2, they should call it i've-been-eating-&-drinking-from-the-common-food-supply-enough (duration and quantity) - that-my-pancrease-has-finally-gone-kaput-'itis disease.

One day I made a cup of Ginger-Cayenne tea for my father (a couple years ago ) and within an hour he sort of went into mild shock (blurred vision, profuse sweating, wobbly on legs) and his blood Sugar went through the roof (in the 600s to 800s when generally it is between 60 to 150). The latter really confused my mother...because it kept measuring so high AND his blood Sugar is usually on the low side, she assumed it was so high due to a defective test kit, so she kept jabbing with new lances .... eventually I convinced her "maybe it really IS high".

It took about 4 hours for this to wear off. He spent the bulk of this 4 hours on a bed in the emergency wing of local hospital waiting for a full-time doc to come by and offer a diagnosis....coincidentally the full-time doc did not make it in to see him until about 4.25 hours had passed. He came under the curtain, took a look at dad, looked at chart, checked vitals, looked at chart again, then said " hmmm, I see nothing wrong with you, you can go home".

I went on line and found a couple short blurbs from some pharma sites that basically said " we are not going to explain the details of why, we are simply telling you do_ not_mix_NID-diabetes-meds_with_Ginger". They define NID-diabetes meds as " the kind of meds you are prescribed upon being diagnosed with age-related Type 2 diabetes". Gliburide (Glyburide, Gleyburide, sp?, whatever) is a popular name-brand NID prescription med.

You gotta be careful with various prescription meds, many o of which cause really bad reactions when mixed with natural substances. This is why one of my goals in life has become - I wanna be on 0 (nada) regular meds when I die.... I might die next week, but at least I'll be clean of pharma meds :)



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