Chrisb1! Thank you for the fast response.
I prepare my food most of the time I mean like 90% and used Sea Salt . I do not use packaged foods. I think I sprinkled the Sea Salt a bit more for the taste or out of habit. I am not sure which one is it.
I have all my wisdom tooth filled with mercury. I heard that prolonged fasting will pull off any foreign thing out of the body that why I am reluctant to go more that 7-8 days. Is that true?
I used to use a lot of cilantro paste in my food like a couple of years ago intending to removing mercury from my body not from my tooth. I also liked the cilantro in my Scrambled eggs. After using the cilantro for about 4 month or so the mercury filling in one of the wisdom teeth fall off so I stopped using the cilantro.