Flushing causes a violent contraction of the gallbladder to dump as much bile as possible to digest the large quantity of olive oil ingested during a flush. Done periodically, it may prevent inflamation by keeping bile flowing smoothly. If you already have large polyps, it is probably too late. If the polyps are still very small, perhaps flushing might loosen the gallstone stuck in the gallbladder wall and release the polyp before it becomes malignant.
A gallbladder polyp is a growth that bulges outward from the surface level of the inner gallbladder wall. Some polyps are formed by a small gallstone embedded in the gallbladder wall. Others may be small tumors (either cancerous or benign) or may be caused by inflammation. Polyps larger than one centimeter (a little less than one-half inch) are more likely to be malignant, so doctors commonly recommend removal of the gallbladder in patients with Gallbladder Polyps that size or larger.