My 3-yr old has frequent, recurring croup...suggestions??
Hi Dr. Mom, so my mom is a fan of yours having read all your books and really trusts you, and therefore referred me to you in my search for help with my little girl. We are mostly raw, vegan eaters. My little girl has maybe had dairy a total of 5 times in her whole life, and definitely none within the last 18 months. It seems like anytime she gets sick, she always gets this croup bug with lots of tight congestion in her chest, making it incredibly hard to breathe and it's usually accompanied by a fever which lasts about 1-2 days. But the cough sticks around for up to 2 weeks. Starting about a year ago, she got this horrible cough again and seems to get it at least once a month since then; whereas it was maybe once or twice a year before that and not at all regular. This last time she got sick, it was not improving at all even after 2 weeks, so we went to an naturopath who prescribed occonitum (sp?), probiotics, a digestive-aid pill, fulvic acid, and vitamin D. They seemed to help but the cough never completely went away and is now, a month later, starting to get more lodged in her chest. I am not a huge fan of the medical profession but went just out of shear desperation and he prescribed a nebulizer and albuterol. We did this treatment a few times and found it helped a lot with relaxing her chest so she could breathe easier and overcome horrible coughing spasms where she would cough and not stop. We have periodically administered echinacea and other herbs, but not consistently as i've heard they lose their effectiveness if constantly given. ALso, the M.D. said she may have food allergies, but I just don't get this concept as we are live-food eaters--our bodies shouldn't be allergic to mother earth's food, what we're supposed to eat, right?? And maybe that leads me to ask what are allergies? how do we overcome them or help our bodies digest the food properly? I am at a loss. I desperately need your help. I am willing to try anything! (that feels right of course) It pains me, as I'm sure it does every parent, to watch their little one struggle with any sickness. What do you recommend? What herbs should i give her? should i go see someone else? Any and all advice and wisdom is greatly appreciated!! Thank you so very much for your time!