Re: Fasting & Clogged Arteries
Hi Archus,
there is no way of knowing for certain whether you have any degree of arterial plaque unless you have an appropriate diagnostic test.
Before I give you my own experience, this is what Dr Fuhrman MD. has to say concerning Heart disease and arterial plaque or clogged arteries..............
"For years, there has been a small number of avant-garde physicians who have been using very low fat diets to reverse cardiovascular disease. These nutritional approaches are much safer than conventional treatments; they are more effective, and, most important, they prolong life. Now, when a
healthy Diet is combined with controlled therapeutic fasting, we can offer even cardiac patients with advanced disease a noninvasive, safe, effective approach that can literally rejuvenate their entire cardiovascular system in a short period of time".
"In addition to aggressive dietary changes as described above, (low-fat, low-protein diet, high in complex carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, and fiber, and derived from fresh fruit, vegetables, and grains) a physician supervised therapeutic fast can be utilized to bring a patient to a new level of cardiac safety. Fasting, in conjunction with optimal nutrition before and after the fast, offers the ability to undo the damage done to the body by the rich diets of modern societies. Through therapeutic fasting a patient is able to reverse a cardiac condition quickly, without the need for invasive medical procedures. The results I have seen in patients using this approach have been spectacular".
"People, who have been told they need bypass surgery or angioplasty, as well as those with angina at low workloads, are prime candidates for therapeutic fasting. Fasting allows the body actually to remove the plaque from within the blood vessels and to heal itself in the shortest amount of time".
It is absolutely vital Archus that you make permanent lifestyle changes in achieving total wellness.
A plant-based diet for only a week prior to your fast I would say is totally insufficient in achieving your goals.
My own experience, is that during my first fast of 25 days and total bed-rest throughout, my heart-rate fluctuated enormously, with heavy/fast pounding for many days, but as the fast progressed it became clear, subdued and regular. Hard to explain that experience really but I was in no doubt whatsoever that my Heart/arteries/circulation had received a complete overhaul. It just felt so clean, strong, and efficient.