14 y
Re: Final results - 23:00
I seldom send people to ebay, but for silver wire and electrodes, it is a pretty decent affordabe source.
Just be sure that the silver is 99.999 and check for previous sales and satisfied customers.
I make high voltage EIS, 5 gallons at a time so I only buy 12 gauge wire personally.
I think stirring more often,(or constantly, with a bubbler, or even thermal currents), will help with the "quality".
It will keep the particles you have smaller and the tyndall will show this in the end.
I personally like LVDC silver. I like the fact that it has both particles and ions.
With my set up, it's either mostly one, or mostly the other.
If you want to get serious with this, get a TDS meter, less than 20 bucks, and a laser, a $3.00 key-chain laser will work fine.
Another relatively inexpensive item you can use is a tattoo power supply. It is a regulated DC power with a variable output usually up to 36 volts, and some have current limiters also.
Good Luck and Good Health,