Pyroluria testing standard
I tested positive for Pyrrole Disorder 3 years ago - reading of 40 - fairly high. GP treating me for this recently said, people tested (in Australia) a few years ago & whose results were inconclusive or negative back then, are being retested now and registering as 'positive' for the disorder. Reason - the kryptopyrole lab testing procedure has greatly improved in sensitivity & accuracy.
So perhaps anyone who matches all the symptoms of pyroluria & has been tested, but had inconclusive results, could ask their practitioner (in Australia at least) for a retest, if their test was some years ago. My own progress towards finding the relatively happy person I used to be, has been complicated by clinical depression, apparent poor nutrient absorption (despite our extremely healthly vego diet, no junk food), and strong match to Asperger personality. But I feel a little more positive at present that some new social strategies, and addressing the poor absorption issue, over the next 12 months, could help.