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- serafina - Views: 2,103
Published: 15 y


Still making investigations about my condition.

I've just found out about the butterfly facial rash typical of lupus.
Actually I've had it longly in the first 2 years after childbirth, it spread on the wings of the nose and up to the zygoms. Then it went away. Lately I've had it again, for a week or so. I think I always connected it with stress.

what would this indicate? adrenals fatigue most of all?
I always underestimated this eventuality because I'm not a nervous kind of person, and I don't particularly stress over things. But I did have a more stressful life in the last 10 years, and I used to drink a lot of coffee in the past, also recently sometimes, or tea, because without I'm a bit like a zombie and I get sort of depressed. Yesterday I took some vit C from natural source, and it felt like coffee for like 2 hours, then I went to bed for an afternoon nap and slept deeply for 4 hours. Given the allergic episodes in my 20's, this could be the thing, right?

Is there any relation between adrenal fatigue and lack of sun or vit. D deficiency?


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