Warcraft, Sniper Game or Raised Consciousness?
Mark Dohle's post tells a real life story about parenting that is touching my spirit this morning.
I had an email from a friend that somewhat explains why there are such extremes and still some of us our trying to change the system we now live in into something else. I am paraphrasing this from another NDE Experiencer that said 'there is currently a polarized consciousness and unity consciousness over which Source rules. Polarized consciousness is the operating program that has ruled our life experiences in the era that is just ending. Unity consciousness is the new program we're moving into without a how to guide book. NDE's and STE's at least partially disable the ego based program. The difficulty for all of us is that in our current era the now disabled program is still the only one we have to work with. Developing the new program seems to be the challenge on our plates today and maybe the only way to get the rule book, of the natural laws governing our movement into union at ground level, is to ask our guides. I keep getting guidance to look to nature. Hum, looking to nature is a broad look. How to narrow the field to what would be useful in developing a new program for living in union consciousness? Sharing insights and trial and error experiences is helpful too. ' -J
Sometimes I do not enjoy my higher self's tinkering but this change in consciousness seems to be important enough to ask for help...
When I ask... I get an understanding that we as humans are in an unusual time... Technology has provided humans with the ability the communicate across the whole globe. I find it very personally satisfying to share with you my struggles and victories in life but the internet is not at all healthy for some of us. Children are being lured into a violent subculture that often ends up putting them in real life violence. There are literally millions of children hooked on games like warcraft and sniper computer games. They drop out of college, don't bathe or eat for days... ignore their loved ones and instead of growing a garden, make a virtual one. It is the antithesis of the changes our world needs from their children to bring about the change. It is okay, I believe, to participate in this new way of communicating but it is also being used to twist the spirits that are needed to help us bring about a consciousness lifting change the earth is preparing us for. While some are preparing for anarchy, others are planning for spiritual evolution. There are camps in China where parents are sending their children to break the hold these addictive computer games and consciousness killing mind control programs have over our children.
I don't see how the world can change into the healthy place I saw it becoming in my NDE without the help of our younger people. The old ways of seeing God that the religions portray to me is one of the most debilitating ways of thinking. The God of their parent's is a very violent overlord who rewards those who bow him and murders and burns in hell those that do not... When I ask my whatever it is that speaks to me... I get back that the only way we who have come before can persuade our young people to put down their violence is to show them that we have a better option for them. We need to live joyfully, show compassion, demonstrate kindness... but we are just struggling to just survive... I know that there are things I may have to just let go of... The system we are living in is not sustainable... I am not sure what is next but I have seen so much love in these forums...
We have to somehow transform the world and I believe we can do it... I would just prefer to not leave the children of anarchy behind...
Sorry for rambling... just contemplating outloud...