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Published: 15 y
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If their Guides haven't left them. Comes a point where they don't have Guides helping them.

From Newport's post not many days back:


>>Choosing" the wrong path will qualify to be left alone...

If you want to know specifics you can dowse who has and who hasn't got guides and why....>>

It was very sad when Newport told me that was the case with my daughter's boyfriend that has been on potent Antibiotics for almost two years for Lyme.

I had wondered about John's father last night for the same reason- all the pain killers and med's John mentioned he's been on for some time. I don't know if it's the same kind of situation, but when my daughter's boyfriend told me "he didn't believe in Alternative stuff" for treating Lyme, I knew there was no need to go any further than that with him.

I agree though Wen, there is nothing sadder than seeing what people with addictions (in denial), cause not just for themselves, but for everyone involved with them. I know that from experience, from having a whole line of alcoholics on both sides of my family. The enablers have their own set of denial issues.



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