Re: Sudden dental problems
I have to laugh coming here after an hour or so searching about Dental Problems on the internet and then seeing these posts. Sometimes what else can you do but laugh?
I have an upper back molar that has a
root canal in it, temporarily filled but never Crowned. The filling cracked a few years ago but I avoided going back to get it fixed then due to money problems and avoiding Dentists in general.
One of the problems is that the root of this tooth goes waay up into my left sinus.
And another problem? I seem to have a more open nasolacrimal duct (tear duct) in my left eye. I can actually hold my nose and blow and have air come out of my left tear duct, but not the right one.
I’ve been suspecting for awhile that bacteria from my mouth (or the
root canal tooth?) has been leaking into my left sinus and into my left eye. Sometimes I get a slightly puffier left eye and bigger bag under it. Sometimes the eye itself gets slightly inflamed and feels swollen.
About a week ago I bit into something and the
root canal tooth chipped, opening the filling even more. I immediately felt more irritation and inflammation into my left eye and sinus.
I have an appointment at the end of this week to get a porcelain Crown put on by a Dentist that does laser Dentistry and works under a microscope. I opted to do this instead of extracting the tooth because I don’t want surgery into my sinus possibly leaving a hole, and I would rather have a tooth there anyway. (Maybe I’m vain about my teeth as I still have all of them)
The ex-ray shows only a cracked filling and chipped tooth and no infection. There is a small cavity under the filling, but probably won’t stay strong enough to be re-filled and seal properly. This Dentist doesn’t use any metals, even in the post. I’m told that with new technology these new Crowns seal up the tooth pretty well
Anyway what I’m getting at, is since my sinuses and chest issues flaring up from Ascaris, last night I was still having lots of sneezing fits, but it felt like everything was drying up. I woke up in the middle of the night and my left eye was dry, swollen, and really red.
Now this morning I have a big bag under my puffy red left eye, and it still feels sort of dry and swollen. Tooth-sinus-eye related probably? I’m still knocked for a loop from yesterday. With the way I look and feel I’m not leaving the house today LOL because I guess I’m having a major reaction from the Doctrine.
Anyway, yes my most pressing Dental issue is flaring up and going into my sinus and eye until it gets fixed. What fun!