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Re: Me & My Gallbladder Seemed To Have Fallen Out 
Glowing_Person_Method Views: 1,335
Published: 20 y
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Re: Me & My Gallbladder Seemed To Have Fallen Out 

Hello Rizel
The decision to take the Liver-Flush could be almost your wisest decision and due to your age if you'll coupl it with some determination concerning food/drink consuming you could most probably have healthy life.

1) In my past 17n-19n I got use to drinking. Then I left my parents home and realized that the alchohol I miss mostly.
Becomming Independent I did not want to become addicted to anything (but my freedom) and so I created rules that I would like you to consider too because all of them could be helpful.

a) I will not drink mor than one drink given by other person - meaning that if some one gave me a bottle of wine I happily drank it all but if some one gave me a small glass of wisky I drank that and if I got nothing I did not drink but on special occasion - one glass of wine - or one beer for you.
At time my ned for alchohol been reduce and now I cannot drink more than small glass of wine once in a while (or wisky on very rare occasion - when I get to the UK)

b) Food - hot food and coocked tomato (and products made of tomato) may be elevating this situation. It could be very wise to eat no hot food even no black paper.

c) Drink daily about 2 liters or more of grapefruit juice - starting today!!!!!

2) I suggest that you'll do the coffee enema to reduce the toxic from your colon

3) It will be wise to clear your colon from the Candida you nurishd so well - look into my blog (17n in the list of blogs) and read Good Bye Candida Good Bye.
If you have a friend comming or living in Israel they can buy and mail you or bring you the thing which I am using very successful and immidiate results or write me an E-mail and contact that franch Homeopatic pharmasist to mail it to you or go according to the instruction withn this wb site.

In any case do not tell yourself that you'll do one Liver-Flush and see what is going on, do commit to 7n flashes unledd you;ll be well prior.

Good Luck!


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