After so much reading for over a year now, I would like to reach out to you all and please have a dear family friend on your minds. A daughter of a dear friend of mine is going through a "lost mirena" hell right now. Via a perforated uterus, she has undergone three surgeries and 6 surgons to try to locate her mirena. Finally to be located attached to her bowel. Not to mention she has been admitted in the hospital for many days now. She is a young mom of a beautifull 4mth old baby girl. This is such an outcry and a shame that she is going though all this when she should be at home enjoying that precious gift.
Please keep her in your prayers that she will be back home again soon and that there is no permanent damage. I sent the word that the curezone mirena family will be here for her when she is upto reading again, she has woman to talk to.