Divorcing God of My Youth
An NDE or STE can both transform us or enslave us. For me, it is both. I play by a different set of rules than I did before. Before my NDE, I was a golden child... the world loved me... I was being groomed as a fine young murderer... a killer for God... Following my NDE, I knew God was love and never intended anyone to kill for her. God loved the very people I would kill. That was the transformative part of my NDE. I came back with a different currency... Love in my NDE was the only thing that survived being exposed to the perfect 'Light.' I might still do things for recreation but for the most part...post-NDE, my job became to help others... Turning from plotting and scheming to kill others to helping others doesn't pay much... so I wander the world over with little of the currency of this world but still my gems and crowns are stored above.
I see others who claim to have had a born again or spiritually transformative experience railing against the poor, homeless, gay people, those of other faiths, divorcees... you name it and all in the name of their deity... I sigh... and say that for these their born again or spiritually trandformative experience made them into moths... driven to a light some call death... not much more more than bait that draws them back.... life after life....into the flames of hell
I was and I still am a moth... but that soul of mine,,,
I hope has learned its lessons and will not again return to a
moth body that dies... Moths may have a hard time learning
the lesson but souls should know better... lol... but they
don't feel pain or remember the heartaches... I lined up
with the other souls to fall again into a body below....
and know I had lined up many times before...
maybe more like a lemming... but I am planting within my
soul a loving dialogue with my soul...
so it will not be forgotten... to not agree to fall into
a pain body again... because it is mean... to do so...
There are plenty of other playgrounds to go to where bodies
do not have to die... but we do have free-will...
I just now had a vision of a moth... being born then flying....born again...and then over and over... and over again... flying into the same flames... but then not... and making that change made all of the difference in the world... a whole new world... a genetic memory planted
in the soul of the fiber of the moth to be....