classic coke liver flush
I did my first
Liver Flush on Wed night. On Thursday morning I passed approx 120 stones and most of these were pea sized and smaller. I passed one stone which was maybe triple that size.
Prior to the flush I drank apple juice for two days and fasted much of the entire day of the flush itself.
I have severe problems where sinus drainage is destroying my lungs and have carried a sinus infection most of my life. Sinus drainage has been a problem my entire life and I am 57 yrs of age. I have taken anti-fungals for a scorching yeast infextion and also anto biotics pretty much all of the pre ceding year.
I also take singulair and uniphyll daily.
Prior to the flush I quit taking all pills. I have not resumed since the flush. Although I am not breathing any better I am not crashing either and in the past the failure to take the above mentioned meds have led to disaster.
I want to do another flush as soon as possible and would appreciate any and all comments on when to do the second. I plan on doing ten flushes as quickly as is reasonably possible. I intend on doing the classic coke flush for at least the first three.
I am soliciting feedback on my approach.