well vernon, it ain't candida thats eating you
it's morgellons..
[stop staring at the several thousand pics..and make
a course change..]
stop hunting the piranha..
load up for stopping the crockagators.
..been hangin out at the Morgellons forum for about ten
days now..but that place damn near dead.
oh..folks is reading the posts..get 100 views quickly
enough..they just don't post. I'm Littering the place
with photographs..
^^ 21 Pics in this file..
..it's quiet as a morg over there.
[...morgue..morgellon..oh..never mind..]
...must be that morgellons induces some sort of
"lurker" pathology.
...having a lively conversation with myself for ten days..
feel like i'm doing a stand up routine. Providing
some sort of perverse amusement.
..starting to feel like that Gollum/Smeagol fellow..
chattering away to ..myself..sort of..
although with all the micro critters..I'm not really
..ALONE..it's just that the fibers suck at conversation.
But can you blame them?..the primary subject being..
..gonna have to move my flag somewhere else i reckon..
"where the live ones are"..
already know where the "wild ones are"..they's all over
my skin.
..my precccioussss....all my precccioussses...
.[...see what I mean?..it's getting worser..]