Mirena - 1 year 2 months since removal - Divorcing!
First of all I wanted to thank all the ladies that helped me a couple of years ago to get through this. I'm a much better person now, but wanted to write an update and maybe help someone who is going through that right now.
I removed Mirena in January 2009. The main reason at that time was my eczema on my leg (I am not allergic or prone to anything like that!). As part of my research I found that eczema is one of the side effects of Mirena, and it was pretty bad :( I went to the doctor where I got a prescription for a cream. My eczema disappeared on the leg, and then a couple of weeks later I got it all over my body - EVERYWHERE! :( I went back and was told that "there's no cure" (yeah, right!). I started looking for alternative methods of cure (summer was coming and I looked like I had a contagious skin disease!) and decided to give a try homeopathic medicine. I went through a friend of mine, who got so much help from that homeopath. He had machines where he measured different spots in my body, and (what a coincidence!) my liver was off the chart! My liver was in a very bad condition from Mirena (and I assume previous birth control pills). I'm not going into details and a lot of people wouldn't believe that, but eczema IS curable, Mirena DID cause it, I did manage to get rid of it, but once I went back to my regular diet and stopped taking homeopathic meds, it did come back, a little bit, in exactly the same spot on the leg. But this is something I'm not going to go into detail, as right now I'm going back on that diet and going to stick with that for a while to help my liver work better.
Now there's something else I wanted to share. I feel Mirena caused such bad chemical misbalance or something unexplainable in my brain. I've read about it, and it's hard to explain the feeling and exact "symptoms", but I felt like I was in a dream, sometimes I wasn't able to control myself, I did very odd things, that normally I would NEVER do. Things went sideways with my husband, it gotten really bad. Yet again I will not be going into detail, but I know it is because of Mirena with that being said I know if someone, who doesn't believe that, would read this they would just say "Oh she's just looking for excuses or she's delusional". I realize that. But my head is not what it used to be and I'm only 26! Right now I'm going through a divorce, not primarily because of Mirena, but it did make things A LOT WORSE! And I know that I didn't get understanding from my husband, because I was hormonal or with that chemical misbalance, that I went to look for support somewhere else. I'm not making excuses for what I done, but I was constantly crying, with mood swings... I started going out and drinking once in a while... I started smoking. Now I stopped taking classes (I’m a professional, but taking classes to complete my designation), because I cannot concentrate on what needs to be done, every day is such a hustle! And trust me it's not ME... real me... I was a virgin, my husband was my first man, I loved him very much, we have beautiful two children, I grew up in a good family, I was never interested in partying or drinking, I was very interested in school and always did pretty well for myself.
I wanted to share with anyone who might be feeling confused like I STILL am. That thing completely got me screwed in a head but I'm working on it on my own. It gotten to the point that I even lost my job. Like I previously mentioned - it's very hard to explain and to point to a particular symptom, but one word that explains it very well - confused. I feel confused a lot of the times: on what I want, on how I feel... I have to take time away just to concentrate and get back to reality. I’m having difficulties writing this even :(
Or maybe i'm just crazy :)
Be strong, ladies, we can pull through this. I'm the most optimistic person that I ever knew... used to be, and I'm still trying to be. Maybe someone has a feedback in regards to that and can share what made them feel better, how they got used to it? How they cope with it, that unexplainable state of confusion, and uncertainty? I know I'm not alone, maybe there are ladies, who don't have it "as bad", but I know there are people that experience this unexplainable confusion, because I've read about it before.
I can only hope one day I can say I'm "back to normal". Until then I'll just have to stay strong. Thank you! :)