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11yr old son with h-pylori in pain
angelbebe Views: 2,406
Published: 15 y

11yr old son with h-pylori in pain

My son started having stomach aches about 5 yrs ago. The pediatrician couldn't figure it out thought it was his nerves of starting school. He must have had it for 2 yrs before he was diagnosed. My Dr diagnosed me first asked if I was having stomach aches (never heard of hpylori). That's when I thought about my son and asked for him to be tested. It came out positive. He was treated with Antibiotics as I was. I asked her if he could be re-tested since his pain was starting again. She said he wouldn't like the drink that not even adults liked it. I think she meant the breath test drink. It wasn't bad I did it. My test came out clean a few weeks ago.

Is there anything natural that can help get rid of it and something that can ease his pain? His is worse than what mine was. I tried giving him garlic another time when he wasn't in pain. It hurt him. That happened to me last month and I ran for the organic milk. I quit the milk when I became very sick but wow that pain was horrible with the garlic, it was the only think I thought of relieveing the pain at the moment.

I think he may need to be checked for stomach cancer? Is it best to try and get rid of it first and if it doesn't go away then ask for him to be checked or have him checked first? I doubt his Dr will want to check him for that, but incase she does. Is there a safe test that is dependable to show it?


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