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Spider Veins erupted on my face right after my LF? Why did this happen? Yikes!
2Health Views: 5,354
Published: 15 y

Spider Veins erupted on my face right after my LF? Why did this happen? Yikes!

Right after my Liver-Flush a few weeks ago...or during, my face broke out with very bad spider veins on my nose, cheek and chin. Why or how could a Liver-Flush cuase this?

I was going to do another Liver-Flush after 1 month, but I don't think I want to risk more hideous veins appearing.

What can I do about them? Vitamin K twice a day isn't helping.

I wrap a wet warm cloth around my fact too, not helping.

I quit smoking for 10 days now, not helping.

Started running everyday, not helping.

How did this happen? Any advice anybody?

Thank so much



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