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Armour and similar glandular thyroid meds
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Armour and similar glandular thyroid meds


I’m posting this as an FYI for those who are currently taking or are considering taking prescription thyroid gland meds like Armour.

Note – I take neither Armour nor any other thyroid glandular medication. After listening to Dr. Mark Starr’s audio interview, I considered both prescription and non prescription forms, but so far I’m using just the iodine protocol for my low thyroid – (SSKI, Magnascent, Lugols), iodine cofactors (selenium, magnesium and vitamin C) and diet.

ARMOUR (Armour was reformulated in 2009, supposedly decreasing the amount of dextrose and increasing cellulose. Unfortunately, numerous patients report problems with it and a return of hypo symptoms. Many are switching to Naturethroid or Canada’s Erfa and are not recommending others use Armour). It’s made by Forest Pharmaceuticals.
As you read this, we have gone through several months of a shortage of US-made desiccated thyroid for three reasons 1) demand being greater than supply, 2) the unfortunate timing of the FDA in shutting down two generic makers, and 3) Armour was sadly reformulated causing a return of symptoms to those who continued using it, thus more demand on other products. There may be other reasons, but the above stands out the most.
Naturethroid by RLC Labs is right now making a return to pharmacies in 2010. Call to see if your local pharmacies have it yet. But there are several options to look at with your doctor until this is resolved.  Use the Contact Me form to let me know what else I may add.
1) CANADIAN PHARMACIES: patients are finding good luck with ordering the Canadian “Thyroid” made by Erfa from website pharmacies. It’s similar to the old Armour—i.e. you can do it sublingually.  I, Janie, am using it along with Naturethroid. You will need your doctor’s prescription faxed to the site you choose. If one site is closed down, check others. Prices below may be different–let me know.  They are in no particular order. See the January 20th blog post about favorite Canadian pharmacies.
2) COMPOUNDED DESICCATED THYROID: Any compounding pharmacy should have plenty of powder in stock, since their distributors do. Others will compound synthetic T3 and synthetic T4.  Use this link to find a compounding pharmacy and you’ll need a prescription: BEWARE: Be sure to ask what you are actually getting in case it matters to you–some called the two synthetics “compounded Armour” when it isn’t. Also, many compounders are adding a slow release filler like methyl cellulose, and patients report bad results.  A better alternative can be to ask for ascorbic acid powder (Vit. C) or acidolphilus rather than ANY cellulose. They don’t seem to get that cellulose mixed with desiccated thyroid is not good.
3) A GERMAN PHARMACY will supposedly send the medication abroad, prescription required and credit cards accepted. They source the thyroid from Europe and have no shortages. They will also compound any strength and combination you require. GERMANY’S THYREOGLAND from Munchen (Munich), Kloesterl Apoteke, Waltherstrasse, 80337 Muenchen. Phone: 089 54343211 (Let me know if my information is incorrect, please)
4) NUTRI-MEDS: available for several years, Nutri-Meds is an OTC desiccated thyroid product in both bovine and porcine. It’s far weaker so you’ll have to take a lot more.  Tell you doctor you are using it to maintain the relationship.
5) THYROID-S or “THIROYD”: These are two different brands of  desiccated thyroid made in Thailand that many patients swear by. Google “thyroid-s Sriprasit” or “thiroyd greater pharma” to find sources.  Information on ingredients here. Keep your doctor informed of your use.
6) SYNTHETIC T4 and SYNTHETIC T3: Yes, it will seem a bit nauseating for some to have to get a particular name brand of T4 that you can’t stand. But the combo will help you, and you’ll have to play with amounts to find the most optimal amount. You can even choose to be just on T3.
7) HEALTH FOOD STORE products: There are good over-the-counter products with raw thyroid you can check out.  But as it true for Nutri-Meds, they are far weaker. Additionally, to raise these products high enough to get some relief of hypothyroid symptoms can result in you getting too much of added substances in these products. Check the labels.
Let me know of other options you have discovered and I’ll add them.


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