Can you explain Prickly Ash Bark is stronger over Cayenne,how does it lasts longer.
Why Butchers Broom dilates deeper...
Why Mag. Malate over Cayenne?
Here is where I read this...
They are OK. The one time I really like them is when there is a need to make the nose run to flush it out. Such as with sinus infections. I also make an expectorant using osha' root, cayenne pepper, and licorice root. As for circulation though it is not as good as purported. And I know there are those who will argue this point. Cayenne though is more effective in increasing superficial, not deep circulation. For deep circulation I prefer prickly ash bark, which is stronger for deeper circulation and lasts longer than cayenne. For the lower extremities I prefer butcher’s broom, which constricts surface vessels, but dilates the larger, deeper blood vessels. For general circulation I would still go with magnesium malate over cayenne.