I vow to pull my head outta my butt and get on this forum more. I've been depressed, backsliding, adrenal-overload (long story) and have been so stressed, I've just been wondering around and sewing a bit. Anyhow - more on that later - let's talk about you. :)
I didn't post on the LF's I thought were failures. I was so bummed! Did everything right, got out like 5 or 6 stones and a 1/2 cup of sludge. The next time I got out about 5 or 6 stones and a cup of sludge. Reading on sludge (a link Uny gave me) sludge is a really good thing to get out. I think we should look more on how we feel afterward as the result-o-meter really. Don't you think? It's like we're so bent on seeing RESULTS that we forget to FEEL results. Whatcha think bout them apples Missy? :)