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To do or not to do flush? Help!
emorgan3 Views: 1,447
Published: 19 y

To do or not to do flush? Help!

Hi everyone,
I just did 7 days on the MC, and I noticed at the top of that forum page it said to flush before and after the Master-Cleanse because stones could form. Of course I didn't notice it before going on the MC. I'm kind of scared to do the flush because of the risk of the stones getting caught in a duct. I had pancreatitis 12 years ago when I was only 17 (they never found out what brought it on) and I am scared to death to go through that again. Plus I have no insurance or way to pay for an E.R. visit should the need arise. What I am wondering is am I putting myself at even greater risk for problems by not doing the flush, since large stones might have formed while I was on the MC? Should I just go for it and take my chances? Any input greatly appreciated!


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