Hi everyone! I haven't been on here in a long time but I just want to say I'm really glad to be back. A few years ago I did a 15 day juice fast and now I'm back again ready to start a 30 day. I'm doing it for detox and health reasons (these last couple years of college have been filled with weed, alcohol and fast food) so I think it'll feel really good to get all of that out of my system. I also plan on going and getting a colonic done sometime soon. Any advice on when I should do that? I was thinking day 30 but I've never done it before so I dont really know. I'll be posting every day, probably more than once a day, for the next 30 with my feelings, favorite juices, weightloss, exercise plans, poop updates :) etc. Cant wait to hear from you all! Happy fasting!