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Re: Lack of Vit C causes clogged arteries?
Hveragerthi Views: 2,693
Published: 15 y
This is a reply to # 1,594,794

Re: Lack of Vit C causes clogged arteries?

 It is funny that the news was all over a study years ago that claimed vitamin C increased the risk of heart attacks and stroke by narrowing the arteries. Of course this is not the case. The findings were misinterpreted. What the study found was that the vitamin C was increasing the formation of collagen in the arterial walls, which was increasing the thickness of the arterial wall. This is what is supposed to happen to prevent rupturing of the arterial wall. But someone erroneously decided that because the wall was thickening that this also meant narrowing and thus reduced blood flow.

But the link you posted is also not completely correct. What leads to plaque build up is inflammation to the arterial wall.  This inflammation is not due to a lack of vitamin C. Actually a lack of silica in the arterial wall is closer to the truth since silica is actually a naturally anti-inflammatory. But the fact is that there is no single cause for this inflammation. High blood pressure, insulin damage, high homocysteine, and xanthine oxidase are just a few of the triggers for arterial inflammation.




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