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How to make Silver Colloid rig from scratch.
nordskoven Views: 5,719
Published: 15 y

How to make Silver Colloid rig from scratch.

Having had such great success with a Crohn's sufferer who has twice done an end-run around more hospitalization and surgery by drinking 8 ounces of fresh silver colloid on two separate occasions, here's the gadget that did it. This is great medical insurance. Make one for you and one for a friend. You'll have a stick with two silver wires sticking out, and separate battery clip assembly for the three 9 volt batteries that make 27 volts when connected red-to-black.

Order 12" (per device) of 14 gauge .9999 Superfine silver wire (NOT STERLING! FINE!) from C.C. Silver & Gold in Phoenix, Arizona. Here's their link to these nice folks:

Get three 9 volt battery clips from Radio Shack, and three 9 volt batteries, and two alligator clips, and some widgets that connect wee wires together by crushing, and some heat shrink tape for tidy appearances. Slip on heat shrink tubing before you connect the battery clips together red-to-black with the free red end and the free black end having the two alligator clips attached. Use the smash clips to secure well and cover with heat shrink tubing, warm with lighter and you have your 27 volt device. Secure connecting wires together with heat shrink tube so they don't flop around, leaving your alligator red and black end free to clip to the silver wires/electrodes.

Take a wooden or plastic stick and drill out to tightly fit your silver wire with holes 3/8" apart. Silver wires/electrodes must remain parallel and not touching, please. Cut silver wire in two for two 6" pieces with 1/8" nubs protruding from the top to clip 27 volt device on. Suspend your stick and silver wire/electrode assembly with the long ends in a glass of distilled water, hook up the juice and wait 1/2 hour or until white clouds of silver emerge. If using tap water in an emergency, it only takes a few seconds for white clouds to form. Don't over-do it.

Don't let the alligator clips touch while connected to the batteries and keep the clip area dry. Now you have silver colloid, which may be used topically or internally. Unhook 9 volt batteries and store in safe place where they won't short out or arc over and start a fire. I've lighted up my pocket having a 9 volt in there shorting out on loose change. Talk about a hot seat!

Clean up any dark oxidation on silver electrodes by wiping with a paper towel or with plastic scrubby as needed and store silver colloid in an opaque non-metallic container away from cold. A brown bottle like the ones used for peroxide is great. Thank God for this great stuff!


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