My boyfriend leaves me unsatisfied
Can sexual attraction really, fully, expire between two people?! Should i move on, in search of better sex???
I'm 23, and met this guy 2.5 years ago, and have been with him more or less ever since, at one point living with him for a year. He's 37, and my first true long-tem relationship.
For the first 6mths or so i thought he was great in bed. But then i realised that i wasn't being satisfied. We would get all hot, only for him to come, at which point he would exit to the shower, and i would be left lying alone (to satisfy myself!!) After a while i got it together to say how unsatisfied i felt, and continually expressed this to him. He said he understood where i was coming from, and did work harder.. but then it seems like the feeling is gone from it! ie when he's just mechanically doing what he thinks he should, for longer and longer...
I find it a turn-off to have to explain to him "how to do it". I feel he should take an interest in it; do a bit of research, etc. I would like him to take charge.
I have cheated on him twice since we met. Both times with previous lovers of mine. The first time was just a one-night thing with an old boyfriend.
The second was more serious. It was with an on/off lover of mine (currently unavailable - he's studying to be a Catholic priest, and therefore supposed to be celibate, but that's another story). But more importantly, the sex with this guy was SO GOOD that i haven't been able to enjoy it with my boyfriend ever since! The chemistry is just so weak in comparison.
I feel like i am wasting my time with this guy. I really want to explore everything sexually! i am very open-minded, and, especially when i'm young, want to try everything once! But this guy, who i'm currently committing myself to, despite being 37yrs old, has never had anything other than a banal sex life (as he admits himself). As in so many other cases, apart from the sex, things are pretty good.
am i wasting my time? his time? To you who have read this far, thank you so much. Your opinion is greatly appreciated!