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Not right after eating...Re: Uny - or anyone other expert, pl? Question re Coffee Enema
unyquity Views: 2,105
Published: 15 y
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Not right after eating...Re: Uny - or anyone other expert, pl? Question re Coffee Enema

The only limit I put on when I do CE's is not right after eating. For 15-30 minutes after we ingest food (particularly anything with oil, or anything that triggers the liver to produce bile), our liver & gallbladders are busy producing & expelling the bile that is needed to properly digest the food.

It seems to me that if we did a Coffee-Enema during this time, the Coffee-Enema wouldn't be as effective (or the process of making/expelling bile for the food we just ate wouldn't be as effective).

I tend to do mine in the late evenings (after my last bm of the day), and this works fine for me. I've always liked the concept of doing them immediately after a normal bm, that way it's less likely that our normal bowel rhythms will be disrupted. The only time I use a Coffee-Enema to induce bowel activity is the day after a liver flush, and then I use CE's in place of Epsom Salts .

The only possible problem of doing them late in the evening is if one doesn't expel all the solution (hence absorbing caffeine), and then not being able to get to sleep. But this rarely happens unless one places the enema solution 'higher up' in the colon than is necessary. (Dr. Kelley used CE's for the liver AND for colon cleansing --but there are MUCH better ways to colon cleanse-- so he had people basically doing a "high enema" with the coffee solution every morning, but this isn't the typical way one utilizes coffee enemas).

I don't know of any reason doing CE's should *have* to be in the morning :)

Healthiest of blessings,




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