"This is not true, you get your energy from food you eat.
You do not create your reality, you cannot control all facts in existance.
You only have your own truth. And you perceive life as being separate, with no universal truth to unite."
Truth changes, there is no universal truth, life(energy) is already part of universal energy, no separation. It is the creations of humans that cause separation. Has your idea of some universal truth united all people?, no , because it is merely your truth, not universal truth.
I am energy, the energy was there before I existed, it will be there after this physical body dies. Energy is far more than the food I eat, it is everything that exists, that will exist, and that has existed. I do create my reality, and I do control all the facts in my existance. This is true for me, this is real and actual for me.
All of us, have only our own truth, one may share beliefs and truths with others, but this in itself makes a shared truth, not a universal truth.
IMO, the delusion is the bible and christianity, and the idea of the bible god. Creations of human beings to control other human beings. This is a truth for me, and a truth shared by others.