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Re: Longevity Spices
MH 108 Views: 1,317
Published: 15 y
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Re: Longevity Spices

Cool, thanks for the kind words.....believe it or not, 90% of the L/S I make are sold to 1 person from another country that resells for $90 per 8 ounce bottle, while the kids fundraiser tried to sell the same product for $25 for 16 ounce bottle and only 4 people took them up on their offer. The fellow that sells the most, explains it is all about "marketing" and that is something we don't do, we have always allowed word of mouth spread the word.....

The Longevity Spices will always be the ultimate shotgun mixture of herbs...will always be spicy changes everytime it is made and with the additional herbs I have been able to acquire for de-worming....the L/S yet this year will take a huge leap forward. Dose related it can do anything that herbs "CAN" do for mammal health.



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