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Re: how many have achy joints, is it common?
jhan Views: 11,239
Published: 15 y
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Re: how many have achy joints, is it common?

I used to suffer from joint pain as well. Mostly in my knees. I had it so bad that I needed to push the floor, when I kneeled down and needed to stand up again. It is pretty standard to get joint pain- when candida becomes severe. I would not be able to explain why. What causes it? I have no clue. Except that toxic waste gets to be stored in bones and candida grows on toxic waste, but that is just an assumption and I might be completely wrong. What I know for sure is how it heals and candida heals in funny ways. I have thought quite a few times I was over with joint pain. That I had cured it and then, out of the blues it would come back, less and less often, but still. On and on.

I have looked into my old posts on my blog and I have found a few advices I had had back then about joint pain. Here it is: //



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