Re: GE Trees: A Silent Forest
I think that Jeffrey Smith is making great headway... Jeffery Smith states that the single biggest move you can make to ensure good health is to eliminate GMOs from your life. The David Suzuki piece will make good headway as well.
Then there is the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, a large group of doctors that has collectively called on Obama, in writing to enact a moratorium against GMOs... all their patients get noticeably, some profoundly better just by avoiding GMOs; most noticeable in thier patients with allergies and environmental sensitivities - which makes sense.
And many other smaller groups that have requested the same all across the U.S. and Europe.
As Jeffrey Smith stated... if no one buys it, there is no market... so vote with your dollars and buy organic, CNG, and/or non-GMO.
I speak strongly against GMOs in the health talks I give... they are a TRUE abomination IMO... and are anti-life by function... however, as we are seeing, they promote the proliferation of super resistant weeds, and super resistant bugs... just what you want in this world along with the super resistant microorganisms and virus due to chemical pharmaceutical use... multiple plagues anyone?
Man is creating his own nightmare... his own hell on earth... as life will always find a way... and it will likely be to our detriment.
As a whole, society must reject these things... along with most other consumables, especially the synthetic chemical ones, whether found in so called pseudo "foods" or not.