Hi everyone! I have had the evil Mirena out for one year. I was doing great about 5 months post removal until this November (10 months post removal).
It all started with my period coming late... I got a YI and BV (I have never had either one before). Since then my symptoms come back with my cycle every month. Since November, I have been following my cycle closely, writing down my symptoms. My symptoms seem to follow a pattern within my cycle. A hormone specialist/natropath from a pharmacy recommended a bio identical progesterone cream. She said my symptoms are hormonal which is probably lingering effects from the Mirena. My gyno doesn't want me to take it, but I have been miserable for months now. I was also thinking trying Vitex as well. Any ideas... thoughts about the bio identical progesterone cream? PLEASE!!! Thank you!!!!!! I wanted to start trying to become pregnant but now with all this going on, I don't know what to do???