Re: Hep C and PPM dosage level of Colloidal Silver recommended?
to get CS that's very affordable for the long term, and easy to always have plenty around, you gotta make your own.
despite all the hype from CS sellers claiming there's is the only best kind, home-brew stands out among the best.
CS is best made at about 13-15 ppm. that way the particulate portion is very small particles, hence very clear CS. as it's brewed closer to and over 20 ppm the count and size of particles ilncreases and the solution will, over time, precipitate out metallic silver particles to the bottom of the bottle... the CS may be other than clear, usually amber/golden, indicating larger sizes of particles that can reflect light... fine for a short purpose like dealing with micro-invaders of some sort, but for the long run chronics it's probably best to avoid larger particles unless you want to look like a smurf.
i used 3-6 oz/day of fairly strong CS (over 20ppm) for a couple years to control my hepC... worked great. now i use LDN naltrexone + Berkson protocol (oral ALA/Se/MT/Bcomplex) and only need 1-2 oz/day of CS to stay symptom free & well.