Re: Who Wrote The Bible
one of these days when I have the time I'm going to sit down and read the huge amount of info you've posted on this and I'll also watch the vids! In the meantime though, just tell me. Who?
Oh wait, I know! A bunch of monks in cold spartan rooms. With just a candle to keep them(him) warm.
I know. They transcribed it. And I'll bet they didn't like it either. What do y'all think they were muttering under their collective breath(s) as they laboriously transcribed the bible...."man, I wish I would've joined the wine-making monastery, this sucks, I've got writer's cramps, if I have to write "begat" one more time I'll...."....
I'll bet their butts hurt from sitting so long too.
ok, so who? tell tell tell!
Who the heck is this? I don't remember any cleaver stories from the bible!